Cafe Natalie

Cafe Natalie engage ICO Commercial in Tenant Representation services to represent them in finding their next facility near Westchase. They needed warehouse space for all of their rental equipment, food and beverage supplies, and a full-service kitchen to prepare, cook, package and deliver food to corporate and wedding events.

After a full market analysis study, one primary location was targeted. With multiple challenges and unanticipated costs, installing the kitchen in the space triggered a City of Houston change of use impact fee that was a substantial portion of the construction allowance. ICO Commercial forced the issue with the City and negotiated the fees down to a reasonable amount and helped get the project back on tract. This, along with the hands-on management during the buildout process, gained Cafe Natalie's trust and confidence to get the buildout completed.

Cafe Natalie has been able to fully utilize the space and scale their business. ICO Commercial helped them to strategize potential growth opportunities in the project and surrounding areas, but Cafe Natalie decided to continue expanding in their existing building and double their footprint. 

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